分类: 装备
Tair5 build en
The design principle of the Tair 5 Discus Launch Glider is to make the glider higher, stronger, and newer.
Aerodynamically, we adopted a more extreme design of fuselage, so that the drag produced by fuselage is extremely small. In this case, most DLG pilots can easily launch it to more than 210 feet. The airfoil of Tair5 has been optimized with 10 years’ effort. The performance in thermaling, light-thermal climbing, and penetartion achieves a new mile-stone.
Tair5 build
碳纤维复合材料滑翔机安装步骤是极其挑战DIY能力的,第一次安装的飞友建议采购安装完成的版本RTF,或者是使用过的二手飞机,这样有助于您快速判断安装要点,因为滑翔机的结构为了达到最轻化,很多设计您会觉得太极限了是否真的有必要?答案是YES! 那么如果您觉得万事具备,跟着文章我们一起来挑战完美安装!
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入手 Stream 已经有接近两个月了,总体感觉飞机表面光滑,机身强度也很不错,这么大的翼展控制在120g机翼也实属不易,压舱制作方便,总重量250g,当然我是rudderless少了一个舵机重量。
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随着锂电池技术和安全的不断提高,必须承认是锂电时代了。另外一个更换锂电的原因,虽然DLG平时滑翔就在眼前,但是飞机姿态相对发射器变换很多, 单天线的接收器安全性是无法接受的,特别是竞赛选手。然而随着使用双天线(双接收模块)导致了电量更加的紧缺,下面我介绍几款很不错的电池供大家参考。
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After millione evenings with a beer and discussions, on a great occasion with a suitable guys (professional miller and students of aviation engineering) was produced the first fully molded DLG in Lithuania. The very first fully completed model with a large hope was given to one of the best glider pilot of Lithuania – Donatas Pampikas and escorted to the European F3K Championship in France. Expectation proved to be correct, Lithuanian Stream in Donatas hands took 7th place ….
Donatas flew with model which weight was 268 grams .Wing 127g, tail-set 12,5g and fuselage 37g.